At our last meeting, the club voted in the following slate of officers and directors for the next Rotary year which begins on July 1st.  Congratulations to all and looking forward to a great year!  And an enormous thank you to Tony Parziale for serving as President for the last two years - it will be a tough act to follow. 
  • President - Zoltan Nagy
  • Vice President - Doug Merritt 
  • President-Elect - Andy Mozumdar 
  • Past President - Tony Parziale 
  • Secretary - Louise Wilson 
  • Treasurer - Lisa Youngberg 
  • Director (Club Service) - Kevin Lynch 
  • Director (Community Service) - Sharon Prosinski 
  • Director (National & Internation Service) - Josh Turner 
  • Director (Vocational Service) - Ron Dolenti 
  • Director (Membership) - Dennis Helms 
  • ​​​​​​​Director (At Large) - Maria Kauzmann