Rotarians, we need your help with the preparation, setup and takedown of the flags. The flag prep will take place Wednesday night 6PM at Maria Kauzmann's house. The flag setup will take place on the front lawn of Montgomery High School on Friday 6/11 at 5PM. And the flag takedown will be some time on Monday 6/21 depending on the weather. Please sign up HERE. Any questions, ask Josh Turner.
This week we are back on the covered patio area at Cherry Valley Country Club at 7:30AM on Thursday. This week's speaker will be Montgomery Twp Health Officer Stephanie Carey.
The voters have spoken. At the start of the next Rotary year which begins July 1st, the officers of the club are listed below. Thanks to all who have agreed to serve.
Thanks go out to our Scholarship Committee (Emad Abou-Sabe, Kevin Lynch, Kip Higgins) for their hard work in sorting through and selecting the scholarship recipients for our various Rotary scholarships. The winners can be found below.
Our Speakers Chair, Cory Wingerter, works very hard to keep our pipeline of speakers full but he's having some trouble getting speakers lined up for our June and July meetings. If you have any ideas for a good speaker, please contact Cory Wingerter as soon as possible. Also, if you gave your classification talk many moons ago and would like to give the club an update (also known as a "reclassification talk"), let Cory know.
At its last meeting, the club Board voted to send $3,500 from the discretionary portion of the Giving Budget to help battle the huge upswing in deadly COVID-19 variants raging through India. Kudos to President-Elect Andy Mozumdar for researching and connecting with the Rotary Club of Calcutta Suburban North who will use this money to buy three Oxygen Concentrators.
Calling all volunteers for Habitat For Humanity. Our new opportunity to work is Friday, June 18th from 9AM - 2PM at the Willow Rd site. Please email Sharon Prosinski at if you wish to be put on the list. Hard hats will be provided and there's even a wild rumor floating about that Cory Wingerter has arranged to have Tiger's Tale provide lunch.