This week we are back on the covered patio area at Cherry Valley Country Club at 7:30AM on Thursday. Members can also attend via Zoom - an email will go out to members with the link prior to the meeting. This week will be a Club Assembly focusing on the upcoming Flags For Heroes project.
Our goal is to have all 50/50 tickets sold by May 1st which means there are only a few weeks left. You can bring sold 50/50 ticket stubs and money to our weekly meetings and give them to Zoltan Nagy who will get them to Paul Blodgett. Any questions, ask Paul.
Do you know how to listen? Do you know how to write? Do you show up to meetings? If you answered yes to all these questions, then you have what it takes to be a scribe for our club. We need one for this Thursday's meeting and every 4 weeks thereafter. As an added inducement, we will pay a raw inexperienced fledgling scribe the same rate as our grizzled veterans. The scribe duties are found at the bottom of this very publication. Any questions, ask Sharon Prosinski.
Looking for TEN volunteers on Tuesday, May 11 to work onsite with Habitat for Humanity at the Willow Road location, 9am - 2pm. Please add your name to the signup sheet which can be found HERE. If more than ten volunteers, add name in case we need a replacement. This will be a great day of service. Any questions, please contact Sharon Prosinksi.
Due to Covid-19, Rotary Leadership Institute will be virtual via Zoom and held on Saturday, April 17, 2021 – 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. Cost is $25.00 per person to participate.
Excellent Club leadership and an understanding of Rotary is essential to the future of your club. What is Rotary Leadership Institute? It is a series of fast-paced, interactive courses offered to refine a Rotarian's leadership skills.
District 7475 is seeking nominations for the Jean Harris Award. Named after the wife of Rotary International founder Paul Harris, the award honors one non-Rotarian who has made a significant contribution to the development and progress of others in their communities.
Joining Kevin Lynch, Cory Wingerter just started advertising his business on our website! For information on rates and procedure, go the home page of our website and download the website sponsorship guide found on the right hand side of the page. There will be a limited number of rotating ads and club members will get first crack at the opportunity before it is opened to the general public. Proceeds from ad sales will be used to offset the club's website and communications expenses. Any questions, ask the webmaster Matt Romanoski.
After last summer where we spent Thursday mornings under a pavilion in Van Horne Park, the COVID numbers were improving, and we were able to transition back to Cherry Valley Country Club in a hybrid fashion out on the covered patio. This lasted a few months until the COVID numbers started going up again and the cold of winter required Cherry Valley to put up flaps around the perimeter which made being outside a lot like being inside. And back to Zoom we went.